Wednesday, January 26, 2011

smac album!


just a short post.
sape2 yang nk ushar gambar2 SMAC(sports and martial arts carnival),
carik laa aku ,achap or bulat eh
sbb kitorg da amik sume gambar smac from achap(smac photographer)
album size 26GB
and gambar sume ade
6480 keping gambar

mmg xlah nk upload semua kan =D

Sunday, January 23, 2011

free fight pics

this post just gambar2 je sbb gambar full xdpt lg. nnti da
dpt sume gambar, aku share experience free-fight aq dgn korang
series nk share! =)

19 january
.nervous be4 masuk ring.

1st opponent aku
(twice besar aku)
bro.faid( basic silat cekak)
course human science

الحمد لله
mng =) this round

opponent = raje mentari (basic silat gayong)
course - ict

#tips! nk intercept budak silat mase dorang nk sweep,kite masuk bwh kaki dorg =)

# injuries happens#

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

free fight (SMAC EVENT)

seriously sumpah nervousss gileee b***
malam nih tournament..
in my category, aq 2nd plg ringan. laen sumer over 100kg

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

plane crash?


ni post just nk buat comparison sikit.
kalau korang alert sal news harini, mesti korang taw pasal
air asia pnye aircraft yang skidded-off runway kan?

sepanjang korang hidup kat malaysia nih, korang tgk, brape bnyk kali sgt ade
case2 aeroplane crash nih and kalau ader, alhamdulillah sume x seterok2 cm yang terjadi
kat luar negare kan.

example, kalau korang taw the worst crash of the century was crash between to planes
BUKAN MID-AIR ttpi on the tarmac ( between klm and pan-am) xsilap aku

so, kite boleh tgk gak, mmg laaa carsh between two planes to atas sebab keadaan cuace yang teruk
tetapi banyak jugak kes2 kapalterbang crashed atas kesilapn pilot sendiri.

so, seriously, aq cm thankfull lah sbb dekat malaysia nih,
mane2 council x pernah jeopardize bende2 yang berkaitan
air-transportation cm ape yg U.S buat.
and aviation company yang ada kat malaysia nih
x berkire and x fikir nk saving dalam aspek2 keselamatan and maintainance.
so, alhamdulillah~ =)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

superbikes kat KL ni... haisyy.


just now, achap( big guy) and i took a cab from bangsar heading to a blackberry custom shop somewhere dekat bangsar jugak

then , ade mamat motor depan kiteorg nih menyelit2 ( masa tgh jem) n dye terlanggar
kereta sebelah tuh. taw2, mamat motor tuh dah nk gadoh da. WTH. da mmg salah mamat motor tuh kot.

well, sorry bikers. Tp mmg sumeorang cakap mamat motor2 besar kat area2 selangor-KL ni sume
kurang ajar.
da nyelit2, x lepas nk mengamok sepak kereta la bagai... kalaw mat2 rempit perangai cmtuh,
aku paham lah.
ni yg pakai superbikes,. bukan calang2 orang pakai. mentaliti mcm....haish~!

kalau kereta aku kene, pastuh mamat motor tu nk gado konfirm aku bwk spanar kuar krete..

mood: gerammmmmm